Lexie, Duchess and I have enjoyed a few weekends away from the people while they were away from home. While they made recent trips to Charleston, S.C. and Lubbock, Texas, Lexie and I had a staycation (with Aunt Kerri attending to our needs) and Duchess made weekend trips to Nana's house. The Charleston trip was to celebrate Gramps and Cheryl's birthdays. Gramps turned 399 (in dog years) on July 21 and Cheryl turned 252 (though she tells everyone she's only 203) on July 25. The most interesting tale we heard about Charleston was the ghost tour they took. There's this one house, Poogan's Porch, that's now a restaurant. Poogan is the name of a dog who used to live there and now haunts the place. He's not a scary dog ghost, though, more like Casper was. The trip to Lubbock was to meet up with some Army buddies of Wes'. After two weekends away, the work around the house has started to pile up. You should her Cheryl's laundry list of chores - which does include laundry. Oh well - breaks over.