Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sweet Fall Tweets

We had fall photos taken today. Of the three dogs, I think you'll agree that I'm the most photogenic. Also of the three, Duchess hates the camera in her face more the Lexie and I.

BTW: You can now follow me on Twitter @ShuffDog.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Students pen story about dog

Sounds like Cheryl met some cool kids on her visit to Oak Hill Elementary School today. And smart, too. Here’s a few photos of them and a story they wrote about a great subject: Me.

Baxter, a 10-year-old golden retriever, goes on a walk in the afternoon to the park because he wanted to get more energy. Baxter walked without his leash. While on his walk, Baxter met his sisters and played with them. After his walk Baxter decided to take a nap.

Visiting the Bulldogs

My person Cheryl is speaking on my behalf today to 72 first graders at Oak Hill Elementary School (go Bulldogs!) I would love to be there myself, but could not clear my appointment calendar to squeeze in the visit. I did, however, prepare a Power Point presentation for Cheryl to share with the kidos. I wish her well. Between you and me, she’s a much better writer than she is a public speaker. Can’t wait to get a report back from her on how it went. I did send along my camera, so hopefully I’ll have photos to post later.