When I was a pup, Cheryl would tell me this story that her mother told her when she was little. It was about a pig who lived on a farm and loved to sink deep into his mud hole. One day the farmer's wife decided to clean everything on the farm, including the pig's mud hole. The pig missed his mud so much that he ran away from the farm. But, he got scared of "the real world" so he came back home. The farmer's wife missed the pig so much while he was gone that she let him have his mud hole back. I felt like the pig in that story yesterday. Every room in our house got a cleaning, including my and Lexie's sunroom. The cleaning stirred up so much dust I'm surprised it didn't show up on the weatherman's radar. With all of that dust came multiple sneezing fits from both me and Cheryl. Not only did the room get scrubbed from top to bottom, but some furniture got moved around, while other furniture disappeared. It was enough to make me think about running away, until I curled up in my nice clean bed. I may not like where it's at now, but not sleeping on sticks, stones and crumbs made for a restful night.
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