Sunday, October 18, 2009


We've been a household without a camera for about a month now, hence the reason I haven't updated my blog in about a month now. Finally over the weekend Cheryl got a new camera for her birthday (which was nearly 3 months ago). Cheryl brags about how nice it is and all of these features it has on it. Blah, blah, blah. All I want to know is if it takes good pictures of me. So far, the answer is no. Cheryl got it out of the box and started shooting away today. We then installed the software that lets us see the pictures on the computer. There is a picture of a flower. Some berries. Another flower. A laundry basket. More flowers. Alison with her braces off. Cows. Lexie. Ouch, bad picture of me, Delete that one. Another bad pic of me. Delete, delete, delete. Even the picture of Duchess is better than mine. Cheryl likes this one of the cow best, so that's why it's posted. She's proud of the zoom capabilities of this new camera. Apparently it even takes really great pictures in the dark. Maybe we'll try to take mine again with the lights off.


  1. so what kind of camera did she get??? i'm really anxious to know.

  2. I got a Nikon Coolpix L100. It's in between one of the really small cameras and the larger $500+ versions. I love it. It's 10 megapixels and has a 15x zoom.
