We are spending some time at Gram and Gramps this weekend. On the ride to their house we stopped at McyDs for a "snack." The lady at the drive-thru offered Cheryl $20 for Duchess. "Take it. Take it," Lexie said. But we decided to keep her, for Wes' sake. The granddogparents have a pretty nice set up for us, complete with fenced-in area and a big doghouse. When we first got here we had to chase a rabbit out of our sleeping quarters. We've taken some long walks, met the new neighbor (Josie) and helped plant a garden. We also had this funny face contest. (I think I'm the winner, but you be the judge.) Lexie didn't much want to participate so that's her normal face. Even the new girl Josie (the last photo is of her) showed us her funny face.
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