Cheryl and Wes were having a deep conversation in the kitchen the other day while she was home for lunch. I was in a deep sleep so I wasn’t paying attention to what they were talking about until I heard, “Quick. Come here.” Cheryl motioned Wes to the kitchen window from wince they spied this creature foraging the garden. “That little …,” Cheryl said, bolting for the drawer where she keeps her camera. Lexie and I started rousing from our noontime slumber due to all of the commotion. “What’s going on?” a sleepy Lexie asked. “I don’t know,” I said. “You stay here, and I’ll do some noising around.” With my ear pressed up against the sliding glass door between our sunroom and the dining room, I heard Cheryl say, “That’s why my tomato plants are broke off at the top.” Looking toward the garden I spotted a doe. “Oops,” I said, realizing because we had been sleeping on the job, there had been a security breech on the property. Technically Lexie and I are only responsible for keeping the fenced-in backyard secure, but we are usually pretty good at running off creatures they stray onto the backside of the property beyond the fence. (We even once treed a raccoon at the corner of the backyard.) Cheryl managed to take a grainy photo of the doe from the bathroom window (which really does need to be cleaned.) As I was pondering an excuse for letting a deer have her way in the garden, I heard the jingle of the side gate as Cheryl opened the latch. Lexie and I bolted out of the sunroom door toward Cheryl, ready to take a tongue-lashing. We made enough noise that the deer ran off as fast as she could. There Cheryl stood with her camera in hand disappointed that she didn’t get a better picture of the intruder. Eureka! An opportunity had presented itself, and I explained to Cheryl that we didn’t run the deer off because we knew she wanted to take a picture of it. Yea. That’s it. I don’t know if she bought it or not and upon further inspection, we couldn’t tell that the deer had done much damage in the garden that day. There is a tomato on one of the vines that is almost ripe for the picking. Lexie and I are putting wagers on who will get to it first. Cheryl or the doe.
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