My Papaw Bustle has a windmill in his yard, supposedly to chase away the moles. Some say windmills cause vibrations underground that agitate moles and keep them from burrowing in range of the vibrations. I can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want moles in their yard. Lexie and I have a pretty successful mole ranch at our place. They are cute and furry and fun to play with. They aren’t hard to catch. If you have a good sniffer you can find them underground and dig them out. Our backyard is evidence of that. My person Cheryl says it’s getting to the point that she needs a four-wheel drive lawn mower to cut the grass and miss all the craters we've created tending to our moles. Sometimes you don’t even have to dig, moles just pop their heads up out of the ground as if to say, “Hey Bax, want to play?” One taunted Lexie this way the other day. She had just finished eating and it was one of those rare occasion where she decided to roam the ranch instead of eat my food. Next thing we knew she’s coming out of the blueberry bushes with a mole in her mouth. As she lumbered toward Cheryl with it, Cheryl pretty much freaked out. She grabbed her yellow rubber varmint glove and a dust pan and ran to rescue the little fellow. Lexie didn’t put up much of a fight, dropping the mole. When I went in for it, that dust pan smacked me on the head. Cheryl scooped up the mole off the ground and headed for the back fence. “Oh, it’s wiggling,” she cried like a little girl. “What if it bites me?” That thought made Cheryl drop the mole. Determined to still save its life, she scooped it up again and continued with her mission. We didn’t tell her that as far as she slung it over the fence, the impact of it hitting the ground probably killed it.If so, it went to rest in peace with all of the other moles and birds and bunnies who have sacrificed their lives to play with us in our backyard. I just noticed something: My neighbor has a windmill in his yard. Maybe that’s while all the moles come to play with us.
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