Friday, May 8, 2009

Old person learns new trick

I’ve been hounding my person Cheryl to help me create a blog. Since I lost my column gig at The News Herald, I’ve hunted for an outlet to express myself and update my friends – the two legged and the four-legged ones - on what’s been going on in my life.
A lot has happened since I last wrote. Remember? It was about my gallivant – though brief it was - through the neighborhood thanks to the then-boyfriend of Cheryl’s leaving our gate open after mowing the yard. (Click to read ) The two major events in my life since you last heard from me are 1) I got laid off from the newspaper (if you haven’t heard, newspapers are a dying breed and are downsizing to stay afloat) and 2) that guy who mowed our yard lost his boyfriend title. He’s now the husband, (making Duchess my step-sister.)
Finally, today, on her fifth mandatory furlough day from the paper (another product of the hurting newspaper business), Cheryl ran out of excuses and decided to sign me up on a blog.
Five hours later, after bumbling, stumbling and fumbling her way through choosing a template, creating a profile and uploading my handsome photo (she refused to touch up my gray hair, something about journalism ethics) I’m officially a blogger.
I know, blogs are so last month, and I should be tweeting instead. Maybe Cheryl can put that on her to-do list on her next furlough day.

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