Tuesday, December 28, 2010
More fun in the snow
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Our white Christmas (and the day after)

I dreamt of a white Christmas and my dreams came true. It started coming down at breakfast time Saturday and didn't stop until this morning. Lexie and I were up early this morning hunting for food as we weren't sure the people had enough bread, milk and eggs. Of course as long as there's enough dog food for us and toilet paper for the folks, we'd be OK with being snowed in for the winter. The top photo is the old courthouse in downtown Morganton that Cheryl snapped on her way into work today and the bottom photo was taken last night on the way home from Nana and Pawpaw's. It's the church Wes and Cheryl got hitched at.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Cone head

Our little white fluffy Duchess has been in the doggie hospital since last Monday. She has had a relapse and has been fighting for her little life. Wes and Cheryl have visited her everyday and hope to bring her home today. Duchess has been hooked up to an IV so they can get some of her electrolytes leveled out. So far it’s working. We are all prepared to do our part to nurse her back to health when she gets home. We can’t wait to hear all of the stories our Drama Queen has to tell. Because of the IV, she’s had to wear a cone on her head. The people at the V.E.T. call it a party hat, but I doubt Duchess has done much partying in it. She looks good in the photos Cheryl took on Sunday but does seem a bit frazzled. I guess being in the hospital does that to you. Get well soon, Duchess.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Abominable Grouch
We received a green, warm, cozy early Christmas gift from our Grams. We aren’t sure what sacrificed its life to make it, (think Abominable Snowman meets Oscar the Grouch), but we like it because it keeps us toastier at night. Thanks Grams. Just so the rest of you know, we are always open to other early Christmas gifts.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
On thin ice
Us golden retrievers sure know how to get ourselves in a pickle. Don’t worry, this story has a happy ending. This is why I don’t go swimming even when it’s 100 degrees outside.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Baby it’s cold outside
10 ways to know it’s cold outside
1 You need an extra blanket on top of the extra blanket on the bed.
2 You want to sleep in the same bed as your sister to conserve body heat.
3 Your water in your water bowl freezes over.
4 You have to dig through a layer of frost before you can dig for a mole.
5 You hear Wes squeal like a pig when Cheryl puts her feet on him.
6 You spread out your potty breaks or even hold everything in because it might freeze when it comes out.
7 You can’t get the song “Baby It’s Cold Outside” out of your head.
8 When the weatherman tells you to protect your pets, plants and pipes.
9 You can’t feel your toes after watching Freedom High School’s Marching Band in the Morganton Christmas parade.
10 Your lip sticks to the flagpole after a triple dog dare like in that movie.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
A millennium dog is born

You know those cards you get for your birthday that tells you what all happened the year you were born. I got one this morning. The year was 2000, the dawn of a new century. Baby, I've come a long way in 10 years from my humble beginnings. Born in a plastic swimming pool in a trailer in Catawba County, look at me now. In 10 years (70 dog years) I have gone from writing the family Christmas letter to writing a column for The News Herald to writing this blog. I've been the big brother to Lexie and Duchess. I've caught a kazillion tennis balls, collected half a kazillion sticks and lost count of the number of varmints I've chased out of the yard, run up a tree or taken out of the population. (My current quest is a mouse that's been living in our shed.) I may be a little white around the eyes but I have managed to keep my boyish figure. And I've decided to age gracefully, no Touch of Gray or Hairclub for Dogs for me. I could go on and on, but enough about me. Here are some other newsworthy events from the great year 2000.
We survived Y2K.
There was a mini baby boom because folks wanted millennium babies.
Elian Gonzalez got to go back to Cuba.
The 2000 Summer Olympics were in Sydney, Australia.
The USS Cole was attacked in Yemen and 17 US Navy people died.
There was a presidential election and Al Gore, no George Bush, no Al Gore, no George Bush won.
Charles M. Schulz, the "Peanuts" guy who coined my hero Snoopy's favorite intro "It was a dark and stormy night" died.Cara and Madelyn were born to the couple formally known as Jon and Kate plus 8.
We survived Y2K.
There was a mini baby boom because folks wanted millennium babies.
Elian Gonzalez got to go back to Cuba.
The 2000 Summer Olympics were in Sydney, Australia.
The USS Cole was attacked in Yemen and 17 US Navy people died.
There was a presidential election and Al Gore, no George Bush, no Al Gore, no George Bush won.
Charles M. Schulz, the "Peanuts" guy who coined my hero Snoopy's favorite intro "It was a dark and stormy night" died.Cara and Madelyn were born to the couple formally known as Jon and Kate plus 8.
Friday, December 3, 2010
The diagnosis
We’ve been waiting by the phone with bated breath (except Lexie has had something else on her breath, maybe from that mole we killed) for a week now for the V.E.T. to call with news on Duchess. Cheryl finally got the call the other day. Diagnosis: Lymphangiectasia. Don’t worry, we can’t say it either. We are still waiting on a treatment plan. It will either include medicine, an even more specialized diet or a combination of both. The way we understand lymphangiectasia is Duchess not only has trouble processing proteins, but also fats. It’s times like these when Google is another of man’s best friends. Our Google search on lymphangiectasia revealed a support group for people with Malteses with this disease. These days you can find anything online, even a golden retriever blogging.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Trips down memory lane

Playing in the leaves the other day reminded me of doggone days gone by. It prompted Cheryl and I to take a trip down memory lane back to my puppyhood. Along the way we found this photo of me in the leaves when I was but a few months old. Thanksgiving, leaves on the ground, a nip in the air, it makes one reminiscent. It took Cheryl back to her childhood, meaning we had to listen yet again as she recounted her Thanksgivings.
She started, “Once upon a time when I was a child,” (which was long, long ago I whispered to Lexie and Duchess), “Thanksgiving mornings began at dawn for me and my family. Mom would dress me in my not-so-finest of clothes and dad would help me into my oldest coat and pair of gloves.Together we would make the trek out our back door, through the woods, across my aunt and uncle’s yard, between two hay fields, through my grandparents’ yard and across the street to my grandfather’s pasture. From there, my dad would meet up with the other men, I would find my cousins and my mom would head toward my great uncle’s basement where all the women had gathered. It was hog-killing time. I still vividly remember the process of slaying a hog and harvesting its edible parts. I remember where the hog had to be shot and how it was such a big deal when my cousin, Robert, who is only 18-months older than I, became of age to shoot his first hog. I remember how the lifeless hog was dragged across the fallen leaves and then hung upside down. I remember how the hog was de-“
We always have to stop her here and she has to continue with a watered-down version of the story, skipping over some of the most graphic parts. We settle back in and she gets to the part where the pig intestines, which I hear some people actually eat, end up in a wheelbarrow. Cheryl said her great grandfather would pull out his pocketknife from his bib overalls and slit open the intestines, which she said looked like grub worms on steroids. Cheryl and her cousins were responsible for running the meat across the street and down to the basement. “There is nothing like sausage fresh from the hog to the grinder to the frying pan,” she said. The annual event was over by early afternoon, Cheryl explained, and after the hog meat was divided among the various family members, the traditional Thanksgiving feast would start. And so would the tradition of giving thanks.
At this point of the story each year, Lexie, Duchess and I are always thankful that we are dogs and not hogs.
She started, “Once upon a time when I was a child,” (which was long, long ago I whispered to Lexie and Duchess), “Thanksgiving mornings began at dawn for me and my family. Mom would dress me in my not-so-finest of clothes and dad would help me into my oldest coat and pair of gloves.Together we would make the trek out our back door, through the woods, across my aunt and uncle’s yard, between two hay fields, through my grandparents’ yard and across the street to my grandfather’s pasture. From there, my dad would meet up with the other men, I would find my cousins and my mom would head toward my great uncle’s basement where all the women had gathered. It was hog-killing time. I still vividly remember the process of slaying a hog and harvesting its edible parts. I remember where the hog had to be shot and how it was such a big deal when my cousin, Robert, who is only 18-months older than I, became of age to shoot his first hog. I remember how the lifeless hog was dragged across the fallen leaves and then hung upside down. I remember how the hog was de-“
We always have to stop her here and she has to continue with a watered-down version of the story, skipping over some of the most graphic parts. We settle back in and she gets to the part where the pig intestines, which I hear some people actually eat, end up in a wheelbarrow. Cheryl said her great grandfather would pull out his pocketknife from his bib overalls and slit open the intestines, which she said looked like grub worms on steroids. Cheryl and her cousins were responsible for running the meat across the street and down to the basement. “There is nothing like sausage fresh from the hog to the grinder to the frying pan,” she said. The annual event was over by early afternoon, Cheryl explained, and after the hog meat was divided among the various family members, the traditional Thanksgiving feast would start. And so would the tradition of giving thanks.
At this point of the story each year, Lexie, Duchess and I are always thankful that we are dogs and not hogs.
Have a great TBHG Day

This Thanksgiving we have four reasons to celebrate. No. 1, it’s Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. No. 2, it’s our Papaw Bustle’s birthday. No. 3, it’s our cousin Kaitlyn’s birthday. And, last but not least, No. 4, it’s Lexie’s birthday. In honor of this quadfecta, I’ve dubbed Nov. 25, 2010 ThanksBirthdayHappyGiving day.
Here is my annual list of things to be thankful for, in no particular order:
That Wes made it home from the war.
That Cheryl held everything together while he was gone.
That, though marching band season is over, Alison still has jam sessions in the living room. Rock on.
That we are blessed with the best family, friends and neighbors.
That belly, ear, back and chest rubs are plentiful around here.
That Wes is back to throw the ball to us. (Cheryl still throws like a girl).
That Duchess is hanging in there.
That Lexie was born 63 dog years ago.
That my birthday is next. (Dec. 8, if it’s not on your calendar.)
Happy ThanksBirthdayHappyGiving day to everyone.
That Wes made it home from the war.
That Cheryl held everything together while he was gone.
That, though marching band season is over, Alison still has jam sessions in the living room. Rock on.
That we are blessed with the best family, friends and neighbors.
That belly, ear, back and chest rubs are plentiful around here.
That Wes is back to throw the ball to us. (Cheryl still throws like a girl).
That Duchess is hanging in there.
That Lexie was born 63 dog years ago.
That my birthday is next. (Dec. 8, if it’s not on your calendar.)
Happy ThanksBirthdayHappyGiving day to everyone.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Duchess' discharge from the V.E.T.

Duchess, AKA THE DRAMA QUEEN, returned home last night from her previous night’s stay in the doggie hospital. I’ve only had one sleepover in a doggie hospital myself and that was when my people had me fixed (though I still contend I was not broken.) The first thing I wanted to do when I got home was sleep, which I had to do standing up. The first thing Duchess wanted to do was have Wes give her a bath. “I’m so filthy,” she said. “I had to sleep in a cage that other dogs have slept in. A cage! I didn’t even have my own bed. Please wash this filth off me.” After her bath, she briefly showed us her leg where they shaved her and put an IV in her. Then she pretty much crashed. We overheard Wes and Cheryl talking about what the V.E.T. said. There was something about feeding her baby food, a scope thingy going down her throat, her intestines look puffy, her belly being distended, waiting for biopsy results and that she might throw up and have the squirts all night long. “Wonder who will stay up on Duchess watch through the night?” Lexie asked. We heard Wes agree to sleep on the couch and confine Duchess to the kitchen so, if need be, it would be easier to clean up. Luckily for Wes there were no such incidents in the evening so Duchess got to sleep in her bed in the people’s bedroom, the floor of which was lined wall to wall with absorbent puppy pads. “Just in case there are any accidents,” Cheryl said. This morning Duchess woke up on the right side of the doggie bed and her only complaint was she was hungry. She and Lexie performed their morning ritual of Lexie swatting at Duchess and Duchess nipping at Lexie’s ear. As usual, I stayed clear of them and enjoyed a whole bowl full of dog food as Duchess is still banned from eating out of my bowl and I’ve learned to keep Lexie out by eating every bite before she gets done with her bowl. Well, we are all off to take a nap. Recovering from Duchess’ dramas has drained us all.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Say a prayer for Duchess
Duchess is having a set back with her health issues and the people are having flashbacks to when she was so sick in the spring. She spent last night at the V.E.T. so they could run some tests. I have to say it was extra quiet without her in the house last night. Hopefully she's on the mend and can be back home tonight.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Make like a tree and ...
We spent the morning gathering up leaves. It's an annual tradition around here whether we like it or not. The leaves in the frontyard are finished falling. Those in the backyard almost are. One more gathering should do it for this year. After all the hard work is done, it's always fun to roll around in the leaf piles. Here's pictures of Lexie and I doing so this year and a pic of Duchess from last year. (In a later post I'll explain why she missed out on all the fun today.)
Friday, November 12, 2010
14 blissful (dog) years
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Happy Veterans Day!
The history of Veterans Day
-- as published in The News Herald on Wednesday, Nov. 10 (we have connections).
* An armistice between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, and is generally regarded as the end of World War I.
* In November 1919, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day
* Armistice Day was made a legal holiday in 1938 to honor World War I veterans.
* In 1954 Congress amended the Act of 1938 by striking out the word “Armistice” and inserting in its place the word “Veterans” to honor American veterans of all wars.
* Beginning in 1971, Veterans Day was observed on a Monday to give federal workers a three-day weekend.
* In 1978 the annual observance of Veterans Day returned to its original date of Nov. 11, because the day itself is a matter of historic and patriotic significance.
* The proper spelling is Veterans Day, without an apostrophe, because, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, “it is not a day that ‘belongs’ to veterans, it is a day for honoring all veterans.”
Sources: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Burke County Veterans Services office.
A few stories from The News Herald on other veterans:
* An armistice between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, and is generally regarded as the end of World War I.
* In November 1919, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day
* Armistice Day was made a legal holiday in 1938 to honor World War I veterans.
* In 1954 Congress amended the Act of 1938 by striking out the word “Armistice” and inserting in its place the word “Veterans” to honor American veterans of all wars.
* Beginning in 1971, Veterans Day was observed on a Monday to give federal workers a three-day weekend.
* In 1978 the annual observance of Veterans Day returned to its original date of Nov. 11, because the day itself is a matter of historic and patriotic significance.
* The proper spelling is Veterans Day, without an apostrophe, because, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, “it is not a day that ‘belongs’ to veterans, it is a day for honoring all veterans.”
Sources: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Burke County Veterans Services office.
A few stories from The News Herald on other veterans:
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