You know those cards you get for your birthday that tells you what all happened the year you were born. I got one this morning. The year was 2000, the dawn of a new century. Baby, I've come a long way in 10 years from my humble beginnings. Born in a plastic swimming pool in a trailer in Catawba County, look at me now. In 10 years (70 dog years) I have gone from writing the family Christmas letter to writing a column for The News Herald to writing this blog. I've been the big brother to Lexie and Duchess. I've caught a kazillion tennis balls, collected half a kazillion sticks and lost count of the number of varmints I've chased out of the yard, run up a tree or taken out of the population. (My current quest is a mouse that's been living in our shed.) I may be a little white around the eyes but I have managed to keep my boyish figure. And I've decided to age gracefully, no Touch of Gray or Hairclub for Dogs for me. I could go on and on, but enough about me. Here are some other newsworthy events from the great year 2000.
We survived Y2K.
There was a mini baby boom because folks wanted millennium babies.
Elian Gonzalez got to go back to Cuba.
The 2000 Summer Olympics were in Sydney, Australia.
The USS Cole was attacked in Yemen and 17 US Navy people died.
There was a presidential election and Al Gore, no George Bush, no Al Gore, no George Bush won.
Charles M. Schulz, the "Peanuts" guy who coined my hero Snoopy's favorite intro "It was a dark and stormy night" died.Cara and Madelyn were born to the couple formally known as Jon and Kate plus 8.
We survived Y2K.
There was a mini baby boom because folks wanted millennium babies.
Elian Gonzalez got to go back to Cuba.
The 2000 Summer Olympics were in Sydney, Australia.
The USS Cole was attacked in Yemen and 17 US Navy people died.
There was a presidential election and Al Gore, no George Bush, no Al Gore, no George Bush won.
Charles M. Schulz, the "Peanuts" guy who coined my hero Snoopy's favorite intro "It was a dark and stormy night" died.Cara and Madelyn were born to the couple formally known as Jon and Kate plus 8.
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